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[取得: 表示:9] https://twitter.com:443/xpressanny/status/1092537179560120320 Annie W–B JC4PM2019 #DPFC I'M CLINT DOG! on Twitter: "Oh please go away. Luciana Berger has done everything she possibly can to
[取得: 表示:13] https://twitter.com:443/xpressanny/status/833396449345937408 Annie W–B JC4PM2019 #DPFC I'M CLINT DOG! on Twitter: "Not true. Jesus didn't like ruling class of Jews who had become hypocrites
[取得: 表示:14] https://twitter.com:443/xpressanny/status/849270093800509440 Annie W–B JC4PM2019 #DPFC I'M CLINT DOG! on Twitter: "I have never supported Anti-semitic comments. I am not ur friend dog-faced
[取得: 表示:15] https://twitter.com:443/xpressanny/status/953687731992965121 Annie W–B JC4PM2019 #DPFC I'M CLINT DOG! on Twitter: "WOW! So ok for Hitler & his mob of maniacs to kill all these people becaus
[取得: 表示:17] https://twitter.com:443/xpressanny/status/977222096228114435 Annie W–B JC4PM2019 #DPFC I'M CLINT DOG! on Twitter: "David Collier aka Gnasher Jew who has already been banned on Twitter for h
[取得: 表示:8] https://twitter.com:443/xpressanny/status/980933460977242112 Annie W–B JC4PM2019 #DPFC I'M CLINT DOG! on Twitter: "Video: BBC antisemitism with "hook-nosed Jews" assumption https://t.co/J0T
[取得: 表示:9] https://twitter.com:443/xpressanny/status/926815387211190272 Annie W–B JC4PM2019 #DPFC I'M CLINT DOG! on Twitter: "Not Christians &do not live by Jesus' tenets, no more than Zionists who mu
[取得: 表示:12] https://twitter.com:443/xpressanny/status/788459917854314496 Annie W–B JC4PM2019 #DPFC I'M CLINT DOG! on Twitter: "Utterly disgraceful.… "
[取得: 表示:12] https://twitter.com:443/xpressanny/status/767699949295431680 Annie W–B JC4PM2019 #DPFC I'M CLINT DOG! on Twitter: "Seen this?… "
[取得: 表示:8] https://twitter.com:443/xpressanny/status/753930641184526336 Annie W–B JC4PM2019 #DPFC I'M CLINT DOG! on Twitter: "And the lies from NEC.… "
[取得: 表示:6] https://twitter.com:443/xpressanny/status/718947974123020288 Annie W–B JC4PM2019 #DPFC I'M CLINT DOG! on Twitter: "@ianrmillard It's lovely. I'm into art in a big way. That really captured
[取得: 表示:12] https://twitter.com:443/xpressanny/status/718943588374167552 Annie W–B JC4PM2019 #DPFC I'M CLINT DOG! on Twitter: "@ianrmillard I just love that picture Ian."
[取得: 表示:7] https://twitter.com:443/xpressanny/status/365232927338012674 Annie W–B JC4PM2019 #DPFC I'M CLINT DOG! on Twitter: "@ianrmillard I think the Sun is as sick as her, don't you?"
[取得: 表示:10] https://twitter.com:443/xpressanny/status/488832042889928706 Annie W–B JC4PM2019 #DPFC I'M CLINT DOG! on Twitter: "@ianrmillard Undoubtedly!"
[取得: 表示:27] https://twitter.com:443/xpressanny/status/991083738523209728 Annie W–B JC4PM2019 #DPFC I'M CLINT DOG! on Twitter: "
[取得: 表示:6] https://twitter.com:443/xpressanny/status/852520209776771073 Annie W–B JC4PM2019 #DPFC I'M CLINT DOG! on Twitter: "Politicians & Media not willing to ask whether Zionists r anti-semitic. Se
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