[取得:3 表示:10] http://kanryudoramamatome.xn--tckwe/?p=326 韓国ドラマ 帰ってきたファン・グム
[取得:4 表示:27] http://www.reddit.com/r/Anarchism/comments/4muf4o/new_subreddit_rleftwithsharpedge_a/ new subreddit - r/LeftWithSharpEdge - a leftist/anarchist subreddit with added edge : Anarchism
[取得:4 表示:22] http://archive.is/lvaZ6 Let's Have an Edgy Poetry Writing Contest! Kill the Prince of Smug! : leftwithsharpedge
[取得:4 表示:33] http://archive.is/8FBsa DAE wonder what /u/prince_kropotkin's bodily fluids taste like? : leftwithsharpedge
[取得:4 表示:16] http://www.reddit.com/r/Drama/comments/4rvque/what_the_holy_fuck_the_anarchist_edgelords_are/ What the holy fuck??? The anarchist edgelords are making dangerously creepy songs about murdering the Prince now : Drama
[取得:5 表示:18] http://www.reddit.com/r/Drama/comments/4tcms3/cops_perform_noknock_raid_on_rleftwithsharpedge/ Cops perform no-knock raid on /r/LeftWithSharpEdge, hilarity ensues : Drama
[取得:5 表示:18] http://www.reddit.com/r/SubredditDrama/comments/4up5dw/anarchists_clash_with_ancaps_in_rleftwithsharpedge/ Anarchists Clash With Ancaps in r/LeftWithSharpEdge : SubredditDrama
[取得:5 表示:8] http://japanese.joins.com/article/638/223638.html 文在寅前野党代表「THADD、慰安婦合意など見直す」 | Joongang Ilbo | 中央日報
[取得:5 表示:16] http://www.reddit.com/r/SubredditDrama/comments/4rxz8u/death_threats_in_my_subreddit_its_more_likely/ Death threats? In MY subreddit!? It's more likely than you think when /r/leftwithsharpedge users clash with the denizens of /r/d
[取得:5 表示:35] http://archive.is/pD9Pb How do we get this disgusting sub quarantined? And the mods admin banned? : leftwithsharpedge
[取得:5 表示:30] http://archive.is/MSsT8 /r/socialism user thinks the left should embrace fascism to attract trump supporters : leftwithsharpedge
[取得:6 表示:30] http://archive.is/AIClq Anarcho-liberal attacks anarchists who against voting and call them edgy : leftwithsharpedge
[取得:6 表示:34] http://archive.is/WmCl7 WE HAVE SO. MUCH. POWER!!! : leftwithsharpedge
[取得:6 表示:10] http://kanryudoramamatome.xn--tckwe/?p=303 韓国ドラマ 帰ってきたファン・グム
[取得:6 表示:36] http://archive.is/GPXrg Liberals don't like us guys :(( oh no : leftwithsharpedge
[取得:6 表示:5] http://www.hochi.co.jp/photo/20161216/20161216-OHT1I50082-L.jpg
[取得:6 表示:43] http://archive.is/cVHI0 Smug brocialist proves for the 20th time that he can't pry himself away from the edge : leftwithsharpedge
[取得:6 表示:26] http://www.reddit.com/r/Drama/comments/4r8hij/ludabug_accused_of_being_a_liberal_on/ ludabug accused of being a liberal on /r/leftwithsharpedge when his old tumblr page is discovered : Drama
[取得:7 表示:19] http://www.reddit.com/r/Drama/comments/4whsuc/edgelords_of_leftwithsharpedge_turn_their_blades/ Edgelords of LeftWithSharpEdge turn their blades on themselves once more: ExposerofSkeev talks about raping people, fellow edgie
[取得:7 表示:16] http://www.reddit.com/r/Drama/comments/4or0hk/edgelords_at_leftwithsharpedge_get_into_a/ Edgelords at LeftWithSharpEdge get into a razor-sharpening contest. Are Marxist-Leninists worse than liberals? Who is the purest
[取得:7 表示:9] http://www.hochi.co.jp/sports/column/20161216-OHT1T50122.html 【プロレス】裏プロレス大賞は船木誠勝だ…金曜8時のプロレスコラム : スポーツ報知
[取得:7 表示:29] http://archive.is/LiF04 What the hell? I got banned from r/anarchism for a comment I made here, and now y'all are debating banning me from here too in m
[取得:7 表示:19] http://www.reddit.com/r/LeftWithoutEdge/comments/4wkvmi/the_recent_rape_drama_with_ranarchism_and/ The recent rape drama with /r/anarchism and leftwithsharpedge exposes the hypocrisy of the fringe. : LeftWithoutEdge
[取得:7 表示:28] http://archive.is/jEgQz Y'all are so fucked. : leftwithsharpedge
[取得:7 表示:13] http://www.recordchina.co.jp/a157748.html 韓国の次期大統領候補「慰安婦合意、新たな協議が必要」=韓... - Record China
[取得:7 表示:37] http://archive.is/EQw90 Do we have to have the fucked torture shit on the sub? : leftwithsharpedge
[取得:8 表示:16] http://www.reddit.com/r/subredditoftheday/comments/5i3fyu/december_13th_2016_rleftwithsharpedge_dont_cut_yo/ December 13th, 2016 - /r/leftwithsharpedge: Don't cut yo self : subredditoftheday
[取得:8 表示:18] http://www.reddit.com/r/SubredditDrama/comments/5i5zv9/rleftwithsharpedge_has_been_banned/ /r/leftwithsharpedge has been banned : SubredditDrama
[取得:8 表示:15] http://www.reddit.com/r/Anarchism/comments/5idkcu/rriotsarefun_just_got_banned/ /r/RiotsAreFun Just Got Banned : Anarchism
[取得:8 表示:7] http://www.hochi.co.jp/sports/etc/ その他 : スポーツ : ニュース : スポーツ報知
[取得:9 表示:16] http://www.reddit.com/r/Drama/comments/5i6ys5/infamous_anarchopedophile_unowaydaddioh_deletes/ Infamous anarcho-pedophile /u/nowaydaddioh deletes his account in shame after admins ban /r/leftwithsharpedge : Drama
[取得:9 表示:13] http://www.reddit.com/r/Anarchism/comments/5ihq42/since_lwse_riotsarefun_etc_all_got_shut_down_and/ Since lwse, riotsarefun, etc all got shut down and radicals are being banned left & right, we built raddit.me for rad leftis
[取得:9 表示:22] http://www.reddit.com/r/Drama/comments/5ilfzz/lwse_makes_their_own_totallynotahoneypot_lefty/ LWSE makes their own totally-not-a-honey-pot lefty version of Voat, drama immediately starts : Drama
[取得:9 表示:16] http://www.reddit.com/r/Anarchism/comments/5ifpy7/announcing_rcookingreactionaries_a_sub_for/ Announcing /r/cookingreactionaries a sub for leftist cannibals : Anarchism
[取得:9 表示:15] http://www.reddit.com/r/Anarchism/comments/5ib0l2/now_that_rlwse_is_banned_id_like_to_remind/ Now that r/lwse is banned - I'd like to remind everyone that r/fascistenablers is a thing. Not an over-the-top circlejerk sub, b
[取得:9 表示:25] http://www.reddit.com/r/Drama/comments/4vdi3u/i_have_written_a_diss_track_against_those/ I have written a DISS TRACK against those edgelords who have been tormenting r/drama and the Prince! Featuring a RAP BATTLE betw
[取得:0 表示:9] http://psmaira3.blog35.fc2.com/blog-entry-5430.html サモンナイト6に登場するアティ先生とマグナのゲーム画像キタ!リアル等身で動いてくれるのか・・・
[取得:0 表示:7] http://kanryudoramamatome.xn--tckwe/?p=306 韓国ドラマ 帰ってきたファン・グム
[取得:0 表示:7] http://www.reddit.com/r/EnoughTrumpSpam/comments/5ipr59/seriously_what_kind_of_a_president_acts_like_this/ Seriously, what kind of a President acts like this? : EnoughTrumpSpam
[取得:0 表示:13] http://www.reddit.com/r/reddevils/comments/5ipoo3/looking_to_buy_tickets_to_the_april_8_game_at/ Looking to buy tickets to the April 8 game at Sunderland : reddevils
[取得:0 表示:1] https://www.youtube.com:443/watch?v=qyyTkx6afVA Birmingham City 4-1 Sheffield Wednesday | Championship 2013/14 Highlights - YouTube
[取得:0 表示:1] https://zuuonline.com:443/archives/130328 韓国「観光赤字」 おすすめスポットは本当にないのか? | ZUU online
[取得:0 表示:10] http://youtubeanikura.blog89.fc2.com/blog-entry-22604.html 銀魂゚ 第4期 - 8話(273話) あにくら!高画質アニメ動画
[取得:1 表示:9] https://soundcloud.com:443/automatadigital/mr-bitcoin-martijn-wismeijer "Mr. Bitcoin" Martijn Wismeijer by Automata | Free Listening on SoundCloud
[取得:1 表示:9] http://www.reddit.com/r/SubredditDrama/comments/5ipwoh/slapfight_with_accusations_of_bigotry_and/ Slapfight with accusations of bigotry and cuckolding in /r/tinder as one users states that "Pansexuality is just a term use
[取得:1 表示:8] http://www.reddit.com/r/EnoughTrumpSpam/comments/5ipqau/how_do_we_start_an_american_troll_army_against/ How do we start an American Troll Army against the Russians? : EnoughTrumpSpam
[取得:1 表示:7] http://www.reddit.com/r/EnoughTrumpSpam/comments/5ipq76/donald_trumps_provocative_call_with_taiwan_and/ Donald Trump's provocative call with Taiwan and his bellicose statements against China has now created an international incident
[取得:1 表示:12] http://www.reddit.com/r/MGTOW/comments/5ipq4s/just_curious_if_there_are_others_here_who_feel/ Just curious if there are others here who feel like they've been FORCED into swallowing the redpill and going MGTOW. : MGTOW
[取得:2 表示:9] http://www.reddit.com/r/TopMindsOfReddit/comments/5ipnc1/how_legit_is_the_whole_conspiracy_about_haarp/ how legit is the whole conspiracy about HAARP? : TopMindsOfReddit
[取得:2 表示:8] http://www.reddit.com/r/MGTOW/comments/5ippup/awalt_from_the_book_why_women_have_sex/ AWALT - From the book Why Women Have Sex : MGTOW